
2019.5.9口腔の小唾液腺に生じた好酸球増多を伴う硬化性粘表皮癌 (SMCE)の1例第108回日本病理学会総会(東京)原田博史1、久山佳代2、中塚伸一3、笹栗毅和4
1府中病院 病理診断科
2日本大学松戸歯学部 病理学講座
3大阪国際がんセンター 病理・細胞診断科
4九州病院 病理診断科


発表年月日論文・書籍名 発表者・著者雑誌・出版社名巻号
2021.11Induction of γδT cells from HSC‐enriched BMCs co‐cultured with iPSC‐derived thymic epithelial cells.
Naoki Hosaka,2 ,Seiji Kanda2,3,Takaki Shimono 2,3,Toshimasa Nishiyama2,
1 Department of Pathology, Fuchu Hospital,Izumi, Osaka,Japan.
2 Department of Hygiene and Public Health, Kansai Medical University, Hirakata,Osaka,Japan.
3 Regenerative Research Center for Intractable Diseases, Kansai Medical University,Hirakata,Osaka, Japan.
Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine25(22)10604-10613
2021 Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation and Cellular Therapies for Autoimmune Diseases
Section V: General concepts-HSCT for autoimmune diseases
23. Animal Model of Bone marrow Transplantation for Autoimmune Diseases
Yasushi Adachi,Ming Li2,Richard Burt3 ,Naoki Hosaka4,Susumu Ikehara5,
1 Department of Diagnostic Pathology, Toyooka Hospital, Toyooka,Japan
2 Laboraty of cardiovascular disease, Novel, Non-invasive and Nutritional Therapeutics and Triglyceride research Center(TGRC), Graduate School of medicine, Osaka University, Osaka Japan.
3 Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, USA.
4 Department of Pathology, Fuchu Hospital, Izumi-city, Osaka, Japan.
5 Kansai Medical University, Hirakata, Japan.

CRC Press-189-203